About me

In a world of fast and instant, there are still a few things that should be done slowly.  Growing a garden, creating something by hand and making bread are just a few.  It’s when we slow down and invest ourselves into the process that we find true value in the end product.

Decorating your home is no different.  Sure, we can stop by the local big box and pick up some pillows and other décor but when you get it home and live with it, do you LOVE it?  I did this for years.  I wanted that cabinet filled with lovely items and I wanted it done this weekend so I could check it off the list.  I would need something to place on the end table and coffee table so I’d run to Kohl’s for a few things only to change them out in six months. 

I grew up in a home with three generations of mothers.  My great-grandmother had a large intricately carved dining room table that is still in the family and glass pieces everywhere.  My grandmother loved beautiful things – Fenton glass, Indiana glass, Nippon and other ornate pieces.  She was always scouring the antique shops and I was a tag along – although I must admit not a joyful one at times.  When we got home, she would get busy “doctoring them up.”  She was always putting her touches on these treasures. Today, we call it romancing the ordinary.  My mom is still a glass lover and whenever inventory comes into the house to be cleaned and priced, I already know that she'll be inspecting each item.  She’s my go to when I want to know more about a piece.  She's truly a walking antiques and music encyclopedia.

Today, two of those generations are gone but I started an antique/vintage/home décor business in 2023 because they remind me of them.  I canNOT walk into an antique shop without the memories flooding back.  Can you?  I'm transported back to great grandma’s kitchen with a rolling pin in my hand, or nana’s Christmas collection.  You see, that’s what makes slow decorating important…   it makes you feel something.  There’s a power to it that I didn’t realize early on and that’s what I want pieces in my home to do.  Make us feel something…  comfort, a sense of calm and peace, and a couple pieces sprinkled in that will bring back a memory.

And, because I am Madeleine's granddaughter, you will find the lovely here but also Iron Orchid Designs to help you romance your ordinary.  So put your touch on something with a transfer or a stamp.  Or, you can go deeper with a mould or a paint inlay.  It's up to you.  Just make it yours.

Take your time.  Look around and discover pre-loved treasures who still have a long life ahead.  They might have a ding or a nick in them, but doesn't everything and everyone who withstands the test of time?  It’s just part of our story.

Love and rolling pins,

Late Bloomers Collectibles
    Where memories come back to life